DjVu may not be the most popular file format, which may cause compatibility issues on some devices. You may want to convert a DjVu file into a more commonly used PDF file format.  Follow us to the end to learn more about DjVu files and how to convert them to other formats.

What is a DjVu File?

A DjVu file mostly represents a scanned document file that may contain text, images, or figures. It is a type of file that works similarly to a PDF document.  It uses lossy compression for monochrome images that enable smaller-size compression. Although lossy compression is an irreversible process, the image quality during the compression is very minimal. It also uses arithmetic coding and progressive loading, which provides lower file sizes than PDFs. It also uses text and background separation technology which creates a background layer of images and then another layer of texts and line drawings only. A combination of these technologies makes a DjVu file better handle data compression to smaller file sizes. DjVu uses the IW44 compression algorithm on an image after splitting them into three different image layers. It also uses the JB2 encoding method for more accurate and efficient compression.

How to Convert a DjVu File?

Djvu files are scanned documents that can be converted to other document formats. 

You can either use certain websites to convert the Djvu format to other formats. You can also download applications that allow such conversions.

Various websites allow convenient and easy conversions. But they may not be reliable as you will have to upload your personal files into their servers online for you to be able to convert them. If you’re fine with a little bit of privacy violation, it’s a no-brainer. Unlike converter websites, applications allow you to convert files offline as well. There is also a smaller chance of privacy violation with offline apps. You can use free converter programs like DjVu converter to convert the file into other formats like PDF and EPUB. It also allows you to convert a DjVu into JPG or PNG image files. Here’s how you convert a DjVu file using the DjVu converter app:

How to Open DjVu File?

You can use DjVu reader extensions on web browsers to directly open the file on your browser. Along with web browsers, you can download applications that support Djvu files. You can read a DjVu file using apps such as SumatraPDF and Okular on Windows. Here’s how you open the file on windows: Okular, Zathura, and Evince work great on other operating systems like Linux. As for Mac, you can download Djvu reader from the app store.

What Is DjVu File  How To Convert It - 15What Is DjVu File  How To Convert It - 6What Is DjVu File  How To Convert It - 6What Is DjVu File  How To Convert It - 8What Is DjVu File  How To Convert It - 49What Is DjVu File  How To Convert It - 50What Is DjVu File  How To Convert It - 54