Besides that, you can also make unique stone blocks, like polished Andesite, chiseled stone blocks, and more. The stonecutter recipe does not require many items, and it is easy to make as well. To summarize, you will need to place three stone blocks and one iron ingot on a crafting table.

How to Use the Stonecutter?

Using a stonecutter is easy. All you need to do is place any stone block on the left side of the GUI and select the product you require. Let’s look at an example of crafting stone stairs using a stone cutter. You can use the stonecutter to make different shapes and variations of stone blocks, such as Andesite, Granite, Sandstone, etc. If you are unsure about what blocks you can use in the stone, you can check the list below. Here, you can find out what blocks are compatible with the stonecutter.

All the stone variants, which include cobblestone, stone, smooth stone, mossy stone/cobblestone, Blackstone, and all the deepslate stones Sandstones, cut sandstones, and red sandstones Regular and polished Diorite Regular and polished Andesite Block of quartz and smooth quartz Prismarine, Prismarine bricks, and dark Prismarine. Bricks, nether bricks, and stone bricks Purpur blocks Basalt End Stone and End stone bricks All the different copper blocks such as exposed copper, waxed copper, cut copper, etc.

What is the Difference Between Using Stonecutter and Crafting Table?

Although you can use the crafting table to change stone blocks into stairs or slabs, the stonecutter gives you more versatility. For instance, you can use the stonecutter to make chiseled stone blocks, walls, slabs, stairs, bricks, brick stairs, brick slabs, and more using a stone block. Another distinctive is: the crafting table requires more resources than the stonecutter. For example, you need three stone blocks in a crafting table to get six stone slabs. When using a stonecutter, you can use only one stone block and get two stone slabs. Although the output is in the same ratio in the example above, the requirement decreases, making it easier for you to craft new items.  Additionally, some processes, such as crafting a chiseled stone, require multiple steps in the crafting table. Meanwhile, you can get the item directly using a stonecutter.

How To Make A Stone Cutter In Minecraft - 94How To Make A Stone Cutter In Minecraft - 86How To Make A Stone Cutter In Minecraft - 93How To Make A Stone Cutter In Minecraft - 95How To Make A Stone Cutter In Minecraft - 15